Stow Municipal Court has been attempting to create momentum for a shift to a paperless system for years. The movement was even an issue fought upon between candidates running for Clerk of Court in Stow, Ohio last year. Coming as an inherited burden to the freshly elected Clerk of Court, Kevin Coughlin, the system had not been updated since 2006— accumulating 90 missed updates and about 250,000 to 550,000 dollars in licensing needed to bridge the gap. This was a case where undermining the importance of continuous updates and investments into technology had taken a turn for the worse. However, the court had already acknowledged the tech deficit and allocated a portion of the court system’s user fee to the technology budget. In the legal field, equally as much as the medical sphere, margins for error resulting from unproduced documents, or ill managed files can greatly impact decisions. Taking the initiative to transfer to an electronic document management system greatly reduces administrative burden and margin of error. Imagine a court system where that requires anyone handling any aspect of the case, including judges, to sift through the many sheets to find information such as charges, previous convictions and fines assessed, while the defendant waits. – Twinsburg bulletin. This was the case previous to the implementation of a paperless initiative in the Stow Municipal Court. Tab Service Company can provide litigation support. See our page on litigation scanning for the list of services we offer to help ease the burden on legal document management.