When you send out medium to large amounts of mail, the postage needed can add up quickly. To cut back on costs, some businesses choose to presort their mail, organizing each piece by where it's going, so the post office doesn't have to. By bundling and packaging mail this way and complying, senders can qualify for discounted pricing and save money. However, getting the lowest possible postage rate goes well beyond presorting mail.
As part of its effort to reduce costs and gain efficiencies, the postal service has been revamping operations and implementing specialized technology. The past several years have seen changes that affect large and small mailers. Generating outbound mail at the lowest possible cost takes expertise in mail piece design, bar coding, classes of mail and postal rates charts. Keeping staff and software up to date can be a drain on corporate resources and produces a cost center that may be hard to justify.
To keeps these costs in check, many organizations turn to lettershop services to handle their mailing requirements. By outsourcing design, print production and mailing to a qualified lettershop service, many businesses see immediate postage savings and reductions in mailroom staffing requirements. Sending out account statements, tax forms, notifications and direct mail doesn't need to come with a runaway budget.
Tab Service Company is a Chicago based company with over 53 years of experience as a data processing service provider. We provide business with outsourcing solutions for document scanning services, data entry services, and mailing and lettershop services. As a SOC2-approved service organization, we apply industry-best practices to our approach with clients.