According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the average office worker uses 10,000 pieces of paper per year. Combined with a climbing employment rate, the amount of paper in offices, even with so many scanning options, is big enough to inspire seven companies to start a paperless campaign. HelloFax, Google Drive and Fujitsu ScanSnap and four other members of the "digital coalition," have begun "Paperless 2013" to bring in the new year and encourage offices to go all digital.
The launch of Paperless 2013 is poised to provide offices free tools to help bring down the paper levels within businesses.
"For the first time, it's easy to sign, fax, and store documents without ever printing a piece of paper," Joseph Walla, the founder and CEO of HelloFax said in a press release. "It's finally fast and simple to complete paperwork and expense reports, to manage accounting, pay bills and invoice others. The paperless office is here – we just need to use it."
Each of the seven companies offers something different. HelloFax, one of the major contributors, allows offices to digitally sign and add text to documents before faxing them online, and will be giving companies 50 free pages of faxing a month. Manilla, another member, offers online bill management for businesses to avoid receiving paper bills.
The press release also explained that by going paperless, not only are companies and small businesses helping the environment, many times digital offices also are able to work more efficiently by streamlining document management.
For businesses that are looking to go paperless for the new year, document scanning services can bring all documents into the digital format in efficient ways, especially with indexing and other features for stronger document management.
Tab Service Company is a leading provider of document scanning and data entry services. As an SOC2-approved service organization, we apply industry-best practices to our approach with clients.