Businesses continue to implement electronic data processes, but executives have the opportunity to do more than just store information. This material can be interpreted to explain a company’s patterns and explain what services are the most effective. For example, supply chain management collaborates with many businesses and can greatly benefit from database management services. Choosing a provider can save in house employees from completing a task that does not directly involve their job description. “Ten years ago, many people would have taken warehousemen and tried to teach them inventory controls, but that doesn’t happen anymore,” Columbian Logistics CEO John Zevalkink told West Michigan Business News. “Today, you have to hire someone out of a university supply chain school who knows how to use the tools.” Gathering details from global positioning systems and inventory management programs have ands-of-more-companies-via-outsourcing” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>made it much simpler to take this data. Businesses can make their daily workflow even more efficient than before with all of these details. A company can decide where expansions or cuts need to occur. “In logistics, you just have volumes of data, and the challenge is now how do you use that data to make business decisions,” Bret Wagner, associate professor of integrated supply management at Western Michigan University, told the news source. However, before supply chain businesses get to this part of the progress, they need to process of all the company’s previous files. Bulk scanning helps expedite this task and sorts the paperwork into broad categories. Using Big Data in logistics-based decisions and other daily operations can further improve a business’ bottom line. The growth of mobile technology is even greater proof that Big Data in Logistics is a concept that’s here to stay. It is just a matter of businesses properly implementing it into their day-to-day process. Tab Service Company is a Chicago based company with over 53 years of experience as a data processing service provider. We provide business with outsourcing solutions for document scanning services, data entry services and mailing/lettershop services. As a SOC2-approved organization, we apply industry-best practices to our approach with clients.